EACM is here to help our neighbors!
We provide emergency food and financial assistance, as well as classes and programming to help build stability and independence. Emergency services are available to qualified residents in the following zip codes: 40018, 40027, 40059, 40222, 40223, 40241, 40242, 40243, 40245. See below for a complete list of our services.
Request Emergency Assistance: 502-426-2824 ext. 310
EACM assistance hours
Monday - Thursday 10 AM - 2 PM
3rd Thursday of the month - 6-8 PM (by appointment only)
EACM is closed Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Request Housing Assistance
EACM is now accepting online requests for housing assistance. To submit a request, click on the link below, then read the eligibility requirements before applying.
Eastern Area Community Ministries is an equal opportunity provider.
Emergency Assistance EACM provides financial aid to families who need help with rent, mortgages, or utility bills.
Food Pantry EACM is a distribution site for Dare to Care and USDA resources and helps local families put food on the table.
Good Start for Kids Good Start for Kids supports parents in providing basic needs to their young children, such as diapers and baby supplies, personal hygiene products, and clothing through size 6.
Helping Hands Partnership Helping Hands Partnership empowers struggling families and individuals through education, case management, and mentorship as they work toward long-term stability. We provide a variety of classes and workshops, both in-person and online.
Multicultural Community Services Multicultural Community Services facilitates the immersion and integration of our Multicultural neighbors in the community. Services include English classes, case management, and preparation for citizenship exams. We offer English classes (ESL) online and in person.Free English ClassesContactanos Clases de Inglés Gratis
Home-Delivered Meals This program provides an affordable meal, home-delivered by volunteers every weekay. If meal preparation has become a challenge for you or a loved one, let our team of local chefs prepare them. This program is designed with seniors in mind, but there is no age requirement for participation.
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